The construction industry can be professional and very rewarding, but it can also have its many problems too. There are plenty of low quality builders, poor standards, unfinished projects, disagreements and of course lack of professionalism. Sadly this is a reality and it is the same throughout the world. Construction attracts it. So why not avoid it and save your money!
If you have just moved to Thailand or even if you live here, trying to design and build something without professional help can be problematic. So it is best to avoid it and set in motion a process that will save you a lot of heartache and potential financial loss. There are of course stories of people who try to build here and have lost millions of Baht, ended up in court, their builders disappeared, the quality was terrible; and what was supposed to be a dream project, quickly turned into a financial nightmare. It happens, so be aware of this and do it the right way. It happens not only in Thailand, but other countries too. It is no reflection on Thailand at all, but on an industry that sadly can attract its fair share of unprofessional people and bad people. But there are also plenty of wonderful stories of people who have had good experiences and been helped a lot by their builder. Sadly the bad ones cause the industry to get a bad name some time. There are good professional construction contractors and builders in Thailand. It is just a case of finding the right one for you.

Don’t be one of the victims. Most of us work very hard for our money and it is devastating when we see it disappear or abused by someone else. Be safe, be careful and you can avoid the terrible problems that can occur. Ask for some good advice from people who know the industry and have worked within it. Benefit from their experience. That simple 5 minute e-mail request could just save you lots of money. In building that normally means savings of millions of Baht ! Click here and ask. We are happy to help if it helps you save money and avoid the problems.
If you are looking for the best builders in Thailand, a good architect, a solid project manager, then ask us. We are happy to supply you with useful information. You can then contact them and make your own decisions. We never tell anyone what they should do, nor do we recommend. What we do is provide you with the details of reliable people, or professional companies that we feel suit your project. People who are in the industry for the correct reasons. People who have built up a good professional reputation in Thailand. It is your decision who you use and we can only offer suggestions.

If you would like to complete the form below we will respond back as soon as possible. It could just save you millions of Baht!