Many people come to Thailand and many purchase a condominium in Bangkok. Often the condominium requires renovation, remodeling and/or interior design works. As in any construction project in Thailand it is vital you use the right people to assist you. Renovation of a condominium in Bangkok can be a complex and difficult task, so it is very important you choose the best people for the project. The same applies to a house renovation too, or shop house. However condominium renovation differs in the fact you are in a multiple dwelling building used by many other people. All with ownership interests and concerns. Naturally there are also juristic and management regulations that you have to adhere to and know about. Renovating a condominium needs to be treated with care and consideration, as you are working in an existing building and usually under some constraints. There are many aspects to consider such as the public areas, the access to the condominium, the communal services and the other residents well being and harmony. So it is vitally important you have a good contractor on board; who understands Thai regulations, does good quality work, has experience and can speak with the Thai condo management if required to do so.
Renovating a condominium in Bangkok can be a wonderful experience or easily turn into a nightmare. So if you are doing any renovation works in Bangkok, make sure you choose a proficient Thai contractor, or construction contractor, who you can communicate with easily, is fully aware of the condominium regulations and can deal with the Thai management who may not speak English. If you are doing a condominium renovation in Bangkok and want some suggestions for contractors please Contact Us. We are happy to provide a name and then you can make your own decisions based on your meetings with them. There are some very good Thai construction contractors, so it is just a case of finding the right one.

The main problems that can occur with Bangkok renovation projects are normally associated with lack of care, slow progress and poor quality finish. This can happen for many different reasons, or even a combination of them, including: The contractor simply does not care. The contractor does not understand due to language issues and communication. The clients expectations of quality are much higher than the contractors understanding or maybe their ability. The contractor is unprofessional and offers too low a price to get the job only to find they cannot afford to finish the job, or do it properly. The client is difficult, has too higher expectations and is uncompromising. The client does not pay on time and upsets the contractor. There are misunderstandings mainly due to not understanding what is being said or agreed. There is no legal contract, so nothing is written down, so there is nothing the two parties can go back to and check. What is agreed becomes confused. The client has paid cash, has no legal contract and has not checked to see if the contractor is legally allowed to do the works as per Thai laws and regulations. The quality is okay but the client is too demanding. There are cultural and language differences and so the list goes on. You do need to be aware of where you are and act accordingly with care, tolerance and understanding. It will certainly help you positively. Take it step by step and do due diligence.If you are renovating a condo in Bangkok take care and be sensible. Do it according to the laws of Thailand, respect the management regulations and appreciate you have neighbors. If you are expecting a luxury finish and very high standards then expect to pay for luxury. Make sure you check the Thai contractor has experience in renovation of condominiums. If you take normal safe steps and check accordingly, your condominium can look fantastic at the end and both contractor and you, leave happy. Contact Us if you have any questions.
We are often asked what is the approximate cost to renovate a condominium in Bangkok. How much does it cost to remodel a condo in Bangkok ? What is square meter cost of renovation of a condo in Bangkok ? Condo renovation costs vary in Bangkok, as they woudl anywhere in the world. There is no exact price set in stone. Prices vary according to the project, the interior design drawings (if you have them), the contractor and what is being done. Basic prices of Bangkok condo renovation can start at approximately 20,000 baht per sqm and easily rise to 25,000/30,000 Baht per sqm or more. So much depends on quality of materials and what is included and being done. Some condo renovation projects rise to towards 40,000 Baht per sqm. You will not know an accurate cost until you have all your interior design drawings completed and have a quotation completed by the contractor. If budget is restrictive, then make sure you discuss clearly with your interior designer, so he/she is aware and can try to do their best to utilize lower costs materials and design accordingly.

If you are considering renovating your condominium in Bangkok then do use a reputable renovation contractor. Preferably one that comes with references. There are good building contractors and they are perfectly able to provide professional quotations and carry out works to a good standard. Remember some of the best hotels and condominium developments in Thailand have been built to high standards. However these was done by professional contractors and almost certainly with a professional project manager. To get best results and quality you need professionalism, interior fit out experience and a person to supervise and control: The Project Manager. Always choose carefully and do not make a decision based only on price. Low is not always the best way to go and it can be low for a reason and cost you more in the end.There are plenty of horror stories of disappearing contractors, terrible workmanship and quality issues with unfinished works. Low prices can be enticing to the inexperienced. So do be careful. Make sure who you choose has at least 10 years experience in interiors and renovations, in addition to being in business for at least 10 years. Experience and a company that has stayed in business for so long says something about what they do.